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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finally Accepted

Today i finally got the call that I have been waiting for, for the last week or so. I got the call from the apartment place in Philadelphia and I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED!
When I first put in the application I was confident that I would get the apartment and everything would go smooth but... as the more time that passed I got nervous like maybe something went wrong or there wasnt any more 2 bedrooms. The things that run through our minds when we are nervous.
So over the next few days I will be thrift shopping for things for my new place. I have decided not to buy all new things expect new bed,towels and kitchen things. You know the sanitary things lol. But as far as a dinning room stuff and living room stuff it can be used. Since this is my first time designing an apartment and I really haven’t really established my home decor senses, its better to buy cheap things so that when I decide what I want I wont be worried about the money I already spent. 

So as I buy things I will be sure to post them and you guys can give me your suggestions on what you think will match.

On to the fun stuff

<3 Brandi

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