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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Making a house a home

Today I took some time to look on HGTV and Google to find some inspiration and some do it yourself things. My boyfriend and I really have our hearts set on buying a house. I know a lot of people think we are very young, me being 19 and him being 21 but with the real estate being a buyers market why not. I even found home funding for 1st time home buyers. I would suggest anyone looking for a home take a look. Here are some inspirations I had. I would recommend taking some straight out of a magazine. I can be too perfect, I know it sounds strange. I would also advise not buying everything at one place. I know when you go to places like Ikea everything looks great but if you pieces from all different places it makes your room feel more you.

<3 Brandi


  1. i love the post especially the open closet thingy. (2nd picture)

  2. I agree with you. I think thats the idea I'm more geared towards. It more realistic at this point in my life lol
