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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentines Day Gift Ideas

Valentines Day Gift Ideas

Valentine’s Day is here! Did you already run out and get your hunny something?

At first I wasnt going to do a gift post only becasuse EVERYONE has done them but during a recent conversation amongst friends I realized a lot of guys think they have to spend a lot of money to make the special women in their life feel special.
If you have the funds and want to do a lot by all means do a lot!!!
This post is for those who dont understand you can spend a little and still do a lot and make her feel like you spend a million bucks...

First is a....CARD

No matter what the gift maybe cards are necessary! Despite what some may say and think. Take the time to read through a couple cards don’t just buy the first one you read (unless its absolutely perfect). Make sure it says everything your afraid to say to her. Cards can run from $1 up to $7, maybe more if you get one that sings.

Second is...Roses/Chocolates

Roses and Chocolate can be interchangeable depending on the women. I am not a big chocolate eater (sensitive teeth) so I prefer roses. If buying a dozen roses isnt in your budget then one single rose and a card will work. Its the fact that we are thought of and appreciated. 
And if your girl is a little different, look into getting her a black rose. Personally I like those because they are less common and it shows you searched for something out of the ordinary.

Third is a number of things
*Hot Bath
*Cooking Dinner
*Rose Petals Leading Somewhere
*Stuffed Teddies

Bubble baths are perfect, especially after a long day of work. And it semi only hurts the water bill. Most girls keep candles around for the smell and bubbles for relaxation. So there should be some around the house. A bubble bath isn’t complete without rose petals (in my opinion). Rose petals can be picked up from your local drugstore, I.E. CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal-Greens and of course Target. 

Now I know some guys do not know how to cook. I have a solution. THE INTERNET!!! You can get all kinds of cool recipes of line and they have step by step directions that make it hard to mess it up. 

Guys please give this stuff a try and I promise she’ll be happy

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Valentines Day Lookbook

Valentines Day Lookbook

This morning I woke up and I felt so inspired to film a video and I thought what better than a Valentines Day video. It is right around the corner ya know...
These three videos are the actually outfits I am contemplating on wearing this Thursday evening (Valentines Day).
So far I am more leaning towards the last out, I titled that one Sexy
I bought that little number about 1 year ago and so far I have not had anywhere special to wear it to. Its got a plunging neckline which it perfect to wear out with my hubby. 
My most sexy outfits I ONLY like to wear out with my man because I am his. It seems  SO wrong to wear the sexiest thing in your closet when you babe isnt around but hey thats just me....
Anyways lol...Check out my Youtube for the whole video

Until next time my lovlies

Friday, February 8, 2013

2013 Wish

Lately I have found myself just wanting more and more things. I go through these phases were I just want to buy everything I see. Compulsive shopping!!! Especially when I am saving for one big item.

So to fix this problem I have decided to try something new. I printed out a picture of the item I want and wrote the price tag next to the picture and hung it up in my room.

In my wallet I wrapped a little pasted note around my debit card so every time I go to swipe it, I will have a moment of clarity to decide if I really need this item.

In a lot of those books  that help you get something you want, they say to leave reminders around so that way you know what your working towards.

The worse thing that could happen is it doesnt help me with saving my money, the best thing to happen is that it actually works for me and I can start using this method to help me accomplish a lot of things.

So you want to know what is this big item I want well its this baby right here...
Chanel Jumbo Classic in Pink
For my 21st I had really wanted to treat myself to one of this babies (not this one in particular). Due to life circumstances I had to spend my money on other things but hey thats life, things come up but now that everything else is taking care of I can give it another try. I was disappointed that my hard work was for nothing but now that I am over it lol I can dust myself off and give things another try...

So wish my good luck my lovelies